Saturday, October 6, 2007

Syria Army Adopts Hizbullah Tactics In Preparation for War

Syrian officials warned that if Israel attacks it will be confronted with a harsh and prolonged Syrian response. Syrian military forces have undergone intensive training in the art of guerilla warfare adopting the tactics of those used by Hizbullah in last summer’s war, Syrian officials were quoted as saying, in an interview with the Christian Science Monitor.

The officials also said that in preparation for war, rockets and missiles have been dispatched to southern Syria where they are being positioned and prepared in the event of war. The report quoted a number of security analysts including former senior UNIFIL adviser Timor Goskel who said that currently there is a general belief inside Syria and certainly with the Hizbullah that should America attack Iran then Israel will get involved in a preemptive operation .

A Lebanese intelligence source was also quoted as saying that at present the Iranians are trying to convince Syria that if they use the same tactics as Hizbullah and last for 20 to 30 days in a war with Israel before a ceasefire is called then the public perception will be that they have won and Israel has lost.

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